Tuesday 17 May 2016

LISTEN: 'Back to You' - Lisa Wright

Ahead of its release on the 27th May, you can listen to Lisa Wright's brand new single 'Back to You' via her official soundcloud (see below).


In her own words: “Being in Nashville was surreal and I loved every second of it – I went out there completely on my own so I knew nobody! I’m quite independent and love adventure and travelling so It was a real experience for me.

However, I’m a home girl. I love England and everything about it. So, there was this one day where it was particularly tough – and when you’re on your own in a completely different country, everything you feel seems heightened! I was sitting on this porch swing and thinking about everything I had managed to do whilst I was over here, the wonderful people I’d met and wished more than anything that I had the people I loved here with me - ultimately experience means nothing if you can’t share it.

I was messing about on my guitar and half an hour later, ‘Back to You’ had been written. I don’t think I’ve ever finished a song that quickly… When I got home, I immediately got in touch with a good friend of mine, Rob Gulston (otherwise known as ½ of Holloway Road) and he produced this single.

Everyone always asks who I’m singing about in the song – all in all, it’s England. It’s home.”